The AIHMS's Post graduate Program in Public Health is an autonomous program aimed for capacity building and building skill sets of the entry level or mid level public health professionals.

PG Program In Hospital Administration,Masters in Public Health, Masters in Hospital Administration, Public Health Course, AIHMS

The course is open for graduate or postgraduate degrees holders from diversified fields including medicine, dentistry, AYUSH, physiotherapy and occupational therapy, nursing, allied health sciences, paramedical sciences, management, economics, statistics, social work, or any comparable qualification.

The program is didactic in nature and flexible in the way that students can pace their own learning by engaging with faculty and industry experts in both online and offline mode by using different teaching methodologies including case discussions, seminars, field projects etc.

The students will be pushed to learn and acquaint with various epidemiological softwares including EPI-DATA & EPI-INFO, statistical analysis package SPSS (version 15.0), STATA,WHO Global NCD InfoBase as well as orient them with use of Economic Evaluation software such as TreeAge Pro etc.

Program Overview

Eligibility : Bachelor Degree in any descipline

Duration : 1 Year

Program Mode : Blended Learning

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Masters in Public Health, Masters in Hospital Administration, Public Health Course, AIHMS
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