Material Management in Hospitals

Materials Management is a vital part of any organization. Particularly in a Hospital, Materials Management Department plays a significant role in the unhindered and proficient function of it. It means the supervision of materials...


July 6, 2021


Equity in Healthcare

Health equity means warranting that everybody has the opportunity to be as healthy as thinkable. However, aspects outside of a person’s jurisdiction, such as discrimination and shortage of resources, can thwart them from attaining...


June 23, 2021


Growth of Telemedicine in India

Telemedicine is termed as the remote diagnosis and treatment of patients by means of telecommunications technology, thereby providing significant healthcare to low income regions. Earliest published record of telemedicine is in the first half...


July 14, 2020


Growth of Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare

Artificial intelligence (AI) in healthcare is the use of intricate algorithms and software to imitate human cognition in the examination of complex medical data. Specifically, AI is the capability of computer algorithms to approximate inferences without direct human input. AI could...


May 5, 2020


Healthcare Information System

Individuals who are part of healthcare around the world obtain and generate a noteworthy quantity of personal health information about patients. The range of health information comprises not only individual information and private health...


April 28, 2020


How has Coronavirus affected India?

The total number of coronavirus cases in India has surged to 873 (28th March 2020 1.30 PM). As many as 14 patients were diagnosed positive with COVID-19 infection on Friday. This was the highest...


March 30, 2020