What is Postgraduate(PG) Diploma in Diabetology?

A Postgraduate (PG) Diploma in Diabetology is a specialized academic program designed to equip healthcare professionals with advanced knowledge and skills in the diagnosis, treatment, and management of diabetes. This program is particularly beneficial...


July 22, 2024


Public Health Jobs in 2024

As of 2024, the landscape of public health jobs may have evolved due to changing healthcare needs, emerging health challenges, and advancements in technology. While I can’t provide real-time data, I can offer insights...


February 29, 2024


Artificial Intelligence and Diabetes

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has shown significant potential in various aspects of diabetes management and research. Here are some ways AI is being applied in the context of diabetes: Early Detection and Diagnosis:AI algorithms can...


January 5, 2024


Privatization of Hospitals in India

The privatization of hospitals in India has been a notable trend in the healthcare sector, and it has both advantages and challenges. Here are some key points to consider: Advantages: Increased Efficiency and Innovation:...


September 15, 2023


Career in Environmental Health Analyst

A career in Environmental Health Analysis can be both rewarding and impactful. Environmental Health Analysts play a crucial role in assessing and managing the impact of environmental factors on human health. They work to...


June 23, 2023


How to Become an Epidemiologist?

To make a career as an epidemiologist, you will need to follow certain steps and obtain the necessary education, skills, and experience. Here is a general roadmap to help you pursue a career in...


June 12, 2023


The Problem of Internet Addiction and its Effect on Health

The internet has become an indispensable part of modern living. The global population uses the internet for a variety of reasons at all hours of the day and night. However, we may or may...


April 10, 2023


Public Health Issues – Gender Bias in Nutrition and Healthcare

Gender bias in nutrition and healthcare has gotten more pronounced in recent years. Although it has always been common, studies now demonstrate how detrimental it is to long-term health results. The most prevalent type...


December 26, 2022


Use of Virtual Reality in Healthcare

In the past few years, Virtual reality (VR) is making headway into different industries and it is getting popular day by day.VR technology has been fully established in the gaming industry, and is increasingly...


September 26, 2022


The Growth of Point-Of-Care Diagnostics

The COVID-19 pandemic has revealed the importance of point of care systems and the need to develop the Healthcare system. Many low to middle income countries across the globe are afflicted with several communicable,...


July 25, 2022