Public health is a field for people who care about the essential goodwill of human beings. Millions of people are alive and in good health today thanks to a handful of public health initiatives, such as vaccinations programs, motor vehicles safety laws, restrictions on the use of tobacco, family planning, clean air and water standards being some examples of the overall problems. The “public” in question for consideration can be as small as a hamlet, an entire village or it can be as large as a whole continent, in the case of a pandemic disease.


Therefore, the field of public health is ever changing as the public health issues always have had a profound impact on the daily livelihood of humans, thus creating awareness and alarm about them is an important part of the healthcare system of a nation or area. The field of public health changes and responds to the basic needs of communities and population across the world. The goal to improve health conditions and behavior of society encompass not only the implementation of public health policy, but the research and development of global health trends and facilitation of education related to these problems. The three main public health functions are:

  • The assessment and monitoring of the health of different communities and populations at risk level to identify health problems and priorities.
  • The formulation of public policies to solve identified local and national health problems and priorities.
  • To assure that all populations have access to fundamental and cost-effective care, including health promotion and disease prevention services.

Public health….

  • Has a major impact on the mental structure of a society
  • Helps promote a healthier and safer environment
  • Is a moral and ethical requirement for the population


The work of public health professionals allows identification and eradication of health issues and affects people every day in every aspect of life in all parts of the world. It addresses broad issues as well as localized issues that can affect the health and lifestyle of individual persons, families, communities, populations and societies – both in the present situations, and for future generations by assessing past trends as well as present happenings.

Public health programs keep people alive. These programs have led to …..

  • Increased life expectancy ratios
  • Worldwide marked decrease in infant and child mortality
  • Eradication or reduction of many communicable diseases
  • Essential research over global trends regarding spread of diseases
  • Awareness of the occurencecommon health problems in various communities & societies of the world

Public health plays an important role in the overall development of a society and thereby is an integral part of a nation’s welfare. Public health administration is needed on a local, national as well as international level. Public health is a growing sector as there has been renewed interest in this field as more & more of the people grow concerned about their health and due to the advent of non-communicable diseases in the developing & developed countries of the world.

For proper management & identification of these health hazards, a lot of emphasis has been laid on the study of public health. Therefore, public health administration has the proper potential to be a major career option in this present dire situation because as long as humankind progresses, it will be aware of its health problems and therefore there will always be need of those who would manage & supply the administration of public health.